Our Story


A love of flowers, a bit of open space & a daughter with the dream of growing flowers…

These were the basic ingredients for 4D Flowers to get started.

In 2018, we carved out a section of our yard into a large flower bed because our daughter, Alanna, wanted to try her hand at growing cut flowers. That first year was a great experience working side by side with our daughter. It gave us something in common in a season of life that sometimes can be hard for mothers and daughters to find common ground. It was as if we had made a flower chain that looped our hearts together.

Each year that we have worked on the flower farm, we have turned over more ground into flower fields. Year Two we moved from a large flower bed in our yard to a larger field with a 12’x24’ hoop house and grew 12-15 dahlias and a row of sunflowers and a half a dozen varieties of annuals.

The following year we opened up the ground on the other side of the hoop house and added peonies, iris, daffodils and A LOT MORE dahlias along with several more varieties of annuals. With all the beautiful flowers we were growing we were able to share them with our friends and family, had beautiful flowers to decorate for Alanna’s high school graduation and party and my husband’s, Alan’s, retirement party.

Alan thought that we should add more and try to make a go of starting a flower farming business; and so we took in more of our pasture (we went from 4 horses to 2 in 2019 due to some unfortunate events), bought a tractor and we were off!

Today, we grow hundreds of dahlias and sunflowers along with many stunning annual & perennial flowers. Many days it feels like too much for one or two people to handle successfully. But then someone picks up a bouquet of sunflowers and gushes over how happy the flowers make them feel, or another dahlia blooms that I haven’t seen before and I can’t imagine not doing this work every day.

And I am living a dream I didn’t know I had until our daughter asked if she could create

a cut flower garden in our side yard just a few years ago.